The -ber months have started and it's a whole new season for all of us.
I have decided to work around a bit again on this blog and finally get things up and running.
A whole new season.
A lot of things have kept me preoccupied for the past months and I am only able to do very little for this blog and looking back on my notes, I realize some vital aspects I have left out and those are what I will be working on in the next few days, or weeks. Don't worry, it's not some major, major, revamp that's going to happen....
It's just a going back to the original:
A blog that features original compositions I have compiled over the years of my midnights as a writer, and random musings and posts about faith and life in general, all blurted over like a splatter of paint or some spilled ink, that they fly free as fireflies and come alive in forms that allude to the masters of literature and criticism.
- One that reverberates in the strings of the heart of Tagore, touched by the metaphysical and one with nature, while reflecting on the ruminations of Einstein on the invisible lines that link true faith and religiosity over the philosophical and scientific evidences of the mystical wonders of life and those of Derrida on the thought of Deconstruction.
- One that is imbibed with echoes of the soul of the Roman Catholic Christian, writing daily aiming at perfection, despite of knowing that all is temporal, and that perfection comes only by the grace of God, the Editor-in-Chief of every human life.
- One which continually explores and experiments on the various literary styles and techniques, crossing over the genres and transcending beyond the barriers of language, defining the undefined, in an attempt to capture the graces of the moment. English will remain the primary language, however, as I continue to study my native tongue to a deeper and more literary level, this blog will be my online keeper of any poem written in the Bicol language, should I be able to produce such.
It is good to remember who you are
in order to know where you are heading to.
Thus, once again, the midnight writer reaffirms its commitment
to write according to the purpose and the plan,
and what you just read is otherwise called,
"The Midnight Agenda"