Tuesday, June 29, 2010

finding my corner in your life

In this world, there is more hunger for affection than food, and having to find good friends is like finding some place to feed the heart's hunger.

In each friendship,  we find a place by which we can share with our friends the things that we get in life whether it be good or bad or whether it is what we want or what we are served by the master chef.

there are as many friendships in life as there are many food chains and bistros in this place. but no matter how classy the restos business talks bring you, or no matter how fab places where you and your work colleagues go to after a long week at the office, there arent perhaps too many nooks or hubs with which real friends continue to be the happiest people to enjoy meals with.

fast food friends are easy to come and easy to go but are also easy to find that it doesnt hurt so much when one cant seem to be found, there is always another one nearby.

the homier bistros and cafe's are the sorts you know are just somewhere out there and will always be there for you. with them you are calm and can be so who you are and when you feel like you need to change a few things about you, still it's the same old place where you find your self and slacking down a couch to listen to the familiar tunes of your life.

and maybe, the ones to cherish the most are the people with whom you can go eating with under the comfort of their own homes, if not, beneath the open skies, or wherever life brings you. Even if it's just a pack of sandwiches, a piece of bread, or some warm soup, it's the feeling of having the world around you that makes it a happy and worthwhile moment.

With these people, you can talk about things that may or may not so much matter in life and they will either laugh with you or kick your butt and knock your head off for being so silly and yet they make you happy because they are the people who tickle your fancies and fancy your tickles.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Artsy Betz

I'm a lover of nature. I love eco-inspired designs and green stuffs.

I am kind of exhausted writing several articles today to for a client and thought of visiting some craft blogs and came across an old favorite: Sewing Green by Betz White.

though it's usually warm here in our region, it gets really cold during early mornings as summer ends and through the rainy season that I've somewhat developed a love for sweaters and cardigans and yes, even scarfs! well, scarfs aren't always just for the wintery parts, there are more out there which are truly fashionable ones which definitely look great anytime of the year--and even better when you're out basking in the sun like this Felted Heart Scarf.

She also has a lot of cute stuff mostly made out of felt--and in the colors i like so much--like this leaf scissor holder. Her collection of fuzzy felt creations are just so awesome I occasionally visit her blog for some inspiration for last-minute DIY fashion updates on my existing wardrobe.

and guess what? her latest post features my favorite kind of yellow: the sunflower! Click here for the article.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

For the liking of Neruda (^.~)

Credits: Page elements by chellyscraps of www.chelsant.blogspot.com
Text copied from new love quotes from words-of-love-poems-and-quotes.com

Taking after the Czech poet Jan Neruda Chilean writer and politician Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto is better known in the  Pablo Neruda in the literary realm, and later on, in the political arena.

A master of surrealism in poetry and political  manifestos in the 20th century, he was awarded the 1971 Novel Prize for Literature.

I have yet to read his controversial collection of love poems, Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada but even in the most political of his works--from his speeches to other political writings--his talent is easy to sense, weaving each word unto each sentence, as if it were each rightful place, in between each space and comma and colons and dashes and pauses that abide by the ardent punctuation of each thought.

And yet of all the words spoken of him by the people of his time, it is from Borges perhaps that the fine line that divides the dimensions of his thought into subdivisions of poetics and politics are made visible and clear to all:

"I think of him as a very fine poet, a very fine poet. I don't admire him as a man, I think of him as a very mean man."

And yet again, for a nation that has went through so much oppression from within its own boundaries, his meanness was so great as to give up his own presidential nomination to support the man who at his time was thought of to become, and today has been, the notable Salvador Allende of Chile's democratic socialist state.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

if you can picture it in your mind, i am smiling :)

Other people find themselves at the sea wall park by sunset to be captured within the magic hours of the day, but what today dawns upon us who have been here through the night is the pinkish red tints of the sky complemented by the foggy atmosphere of daybreak at the frontiers of the city by the sea, and the moment is just as lovely.

........i'm just another writer still trapped within my truth........

i have forgotten about what it is to write...
to catch that in-between the silence and the heart’s beating…
and go about that divide which separates shadow from the ground…
Writing, my first love!
and so, i write. répondez s’il vous plaît.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
You are free to quote in part with proper attribution and linkage but for personal use only. Please visit the Book-Liit Section to request posts in hard copies or contact the Midnight Writer for permissions and details.

naling'wan ko na kun pa'no an mag surat...
kun pa'no mahagilap an uya sa tahao kan kasilenciohan asin pag-ibot kan puso...
buda malakop iyan na nagbabanga sa anino asin daga...

An Pagsurat, sakuyang enot na pagkamoot!
biyo logod, ako minasurat. magsimbag ka.

"Rooted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith."

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